Arbeitsblatt: Error recognition, correct these sentences


The task is to correct usual mistakes made in present simple an continuous questions, solutions attached
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Bartolome Tscharner
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Correct these sentences 1 Where does you live? 2 Do you lieves here? 3 Where does your parents lieves? 4 Does your parents live in Savognin? 5 What kind of music you do like? 6 Are you liking your school? 7 Are your parents speaking Romanch or German with you? 8 What is your parents doing at the moment? 9 My brother lives in Australia now. 10 Pardon, where leaves your brother? 11 dont like very much that film. 12 We doesnt know some beatles songs. 13 Do your best friend likes music? 14 Does your father likes drink coffee on the mornings? Correct these sentences 1 Where do you live? 2 Do you live here? 3 Where do your parents live? 4 Do your parents live in Savognin? 5 What kind of music do you like? 6 Do you like your school? 7 Do your parents speak Romanch or German with you? 8 What are your parents doing at the moment? 9 My brother is living in Australia now. 10 Pardon, where does your brother live? 11 dont like that film very much. 12 We dont know any Beatles songs. 13 Does your best friend like music? 14 Does your father like drinking coffee in the mornings?