Arbeitsblatt: Inspiration 2 Unit 2.2
Do's and Don'ts in America and Brazil
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Simon April
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Dos and Donts – America or Brazil? Read throug the Dos and Donts from the travel guide. Which one is from Brazil (B) which one from America (A). Write or Donts Do not take off your shoes when visit house. Do not start to eat until the hostess starts or ask to start meal. Dont leave anything unattended in public places. Sometimes the rule in the streets is: if you are not holding it, who grabs it first owns it Dont go to the beach after dark. Do not strip at the dinner table. Dont stay in extremely cheap accommodation Dos Do make an appointment before visit someone, and do prepare small gift when visit friend. Carry in you wallet only the money that you will need for that day, and leave the rest in your safe. Look at both sides of the street before crossingunfortunately in most cities pedestrians dont have the right of the way. Do take off hat, coat and sunglasses indoor Do wait in front of the restaurant door for the waiter to lead you to the table. If you want to look like local as much as possible: do wear walking shoes, not hiking boots Tell your partner: In America you should/ shouldnt America Dos Do make an appointment before visit someone, and do prepare small gift when visit friend. Do take off hat, coat and sunglasses indoor Do wait in front of the restaurant door for the waiter to lead you to the table. Donts Do not take off your shoes when visit house. Do not start to eat until the hostess starts or ask to start meal. Do not strip at the dinner table. Tell your partner: In Brazil you should/ shouldnt Brazil Dos Carry in you wallet only the money that you will need for that day, and leave the rest in your safe. Look at both sides of the street before crossingunfortunately in most cities pedestrians dont have the right of the way. If you want to look like local as much as possible: do wear walking shoes, not hiking boots Donts: Dont leave anything unattended in public places. Sometimes the rule in the streets is: if you are not holding it, who grabs it first owns it Dont go to the beach after dark. Dont stay in extremely cheap accommodation