Arbeitsblatt: Textwork music-star


Ein Text über "Adele" - eine Sängerin - schülergerecht geschrieben. Dazu einige Fragen.
Lesen / Literatur
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Rahel Frey
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Adele As soon as got microphone in my hand, when was about 14, realized wanted to do this, she says. Most people dont like the way their voice sounds when its recorded. was just so excited by the whole thing that didnt think about what it sounded like. ADELE is from an absolutely unmusical family. It all comes from imitating The Spice Girls and Gabrielle, she explains. did little concerts in my room for my mum and her friends. My mums quite creative; shed get all these lamps and put them up to make one big spotlight. Theyd all sit on the bed and watch me. Later, when her dads best friend, dance producer, rightly declared ADELEs voice ‘wicked, he invited her to record cover of ‘Heart Of Glass. Ive got no problem explaining what my lyrics are about, ADELE says. really like poetry: Im not very good at reading it, but love writing it. Singers like Jill Scott and Karen Dalton are the most amazing people; theyre proper poets. My debut album is about being between 18 and 19; about love, she continues. ‘Daydreamer is about this boy was in love with; mean proper in love with. Its quite sad album, with songs about cheating and not getting what you want. After secondary school, ADELE signed up to The Brit School. Other singers, such as Amy Winehouse, Leona Lewis and Kate Nash also studied at this college. When friend posted song of her on MySpace, record labels started noticing her talent. Nevertheless she says: Id hate people to think that was ‘MySpace singer. Ive got no right to be that. Ive got, like, 10,000 ‘friends, whereas Jack Peñates got about one million When XL (a record label) called her in for meeting, ADELE was so nervous, she had to bring friend with her. never, ever thought Id get signed. dont know whats going to happen if my music career goes wrong, she laughs. havent had proper job yet. Consider that one unlikely turn of events. Some questions about Adele. 1. When was the first time she realised she wanted to become singer? 2. What do we know about her family? 3. What does Adele like? 4. What is her first album about? 5. Do you think Adele is special? Why?