Arbeitsblatt: Young World 1 Test Unit 5


Test zum Lehrmittel Young World 1
3. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Karl Bürki
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English Test Name: Mark: Unit 4 Date: 20/5/09 Max. Punkte: 46 writing 1. Draw or write the time! Lernziel erreicht: 35 Erreichte Punkte: 7:00 Zur Anzeige wird der QuickTimeª Dekompressor ãÒ bentigt. get up at seven oclock. Zur Anzeige wird der QuickTimeª Dekompressor ãÒ bentigt. 7:10 Im getting up at Zur Anzeige wird der QuickTimeª Dekompressor ãÒ bentigt. 7.20 Im eating breakfast at Zur Anzeige wird der QuickTimeª Dekompressor ãÒ bentigt. 8.00 School is starting at Zur Anzeige wird der QuickTimeª Dekompressor ãÒ bentigt. 10.00 We have break at Zur Anzeige wird der QuickTimeª Dekompressor ãÒ bentigt. 11.50 At Im running out the door writing 2. Finish the sentence. At have no school. Im sleeping in the . In the Im packing my and running to . 5/ writing 3. Write the names of the weekdays! U E H M_ch Februar_ O_tober Nov_ A 6/ writing 4. Fill in the gaps and bring the months into correct order. 13 writing 5. Colour the three cards that go together with the same colour. He leaves home at nine oclock. 8:45 He gets up at ten to eight. 9:00 He eats breakfast at quarter to nine. 7:50 9:15 He arrives at school at nine fifteen. A_gust J_ne 4/ writing 6. A_rilanuary M Write correct answer! Dember theeptember Jul_ a) How many weeks are in month? b) How many weeks are in year? c) How many minutes are in one hour? d) How many hours are in one day? e) How many days has February in leap year? f) How many days are in week? g) How many days are in May? 7/