Arbeitsblatt: Reading Test "Amazon"


Reading comprehension basierend auf dem Easy Reader "The Amazon Rain Forest" (Penguin)
Lesen / Literatur
8. Schuljahr
6 Seiten




Jessica Gross
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English Test: Reading comprehension Name class. Points/30 mark date Good luck! Lies den folgenden Text und löse die Aufgaben. Beantworte die Fragen auf Deutsch. 11. 2Most rain forests grow in countries with very hot, wet weather all through the year: 3Today there are large rain forests in Asia, in Africa, and in South America. The 4biggest of these – 58% of the worlds rain forest – is around the Amazon. 5But rain forest is not only trees. It is wonderful world. Every square kilometer is 6full of thousands and thousands of plants, birds, and animals. There is more life in 7rain forest than in any other place. There are between 10000000 and 80000000 8different kinds of animals and plants in the worlds rain forests. Nobody really knows 9the number, and most of them have no names. But maybe 90% of all the plants and 10animals in the world live there. 11You can walk for an hour through the rain forest and see around 750 different kinds 12of trees. Every tree is home, and food, for many animals and birds. The forest is full 13of life. 142. 15Every year, the rain forests of the world are getting smaller. We are losing them day 16after day. 17This is happening to rain forests in Africa, in Asia, and in South America. Between 18the years 1900 and 2000, we lost half of the worlds rain forests. Every country 19wanted to make money from its forests, and there were customers all over the world. 20Between the years 1978 and 1988, about 15000 square kilometers of Amazon rain 21forest disappeared every year. 22The weather is changing, too. Heavy rain falls every day. Without the trees, the rain 23falls on the ground and washes the soil into the rivers. Then the soil is no good for 24plants. It is thin and dry. And then later, because there are no trees, there is no rain. 25In many places now, it doesnt rain every day. There is no rain for time, and then 26there is lot of rain. This is very bad for farmers. In some places, there is no green 27forest. It is dry, brown soil. 28Rain forests around the world are disappearing, and the weather is changing. Ice is 29slowly disappearing from the oceans, so the oceans are getting higher. In many 30countries, there is more rain and the winds are stronger. Forest trees take dirty air 31from our cities and make it clean. Without rain forests, the worlds weather will get 32worse. 333. 34When Europeans came to South America in the 1600s, they took wood from the 35forest for houses and ships. The trees were taller than European trees, and their 36wood was hard and strong. There were beautiful colours – dark reds and browns. 37Before the year 1700, they found the hardwoods of the rain forests. New furniture 38was suddenly thin, strong, and beautiful. Everybody wanted furniture from this 39beautiful new wood. 40In 1754 Thomas Chippendale, furniture-maker in London, made book with 160 41pictures of his new ideas for chairs, tables, desks, beds, closets, boxes and shelves, 42all from these new, hard rain forest woods. Rich customers came to him. They 43wanted this new furniture in their big country houses. 44Chippendales book arrived in other European countries and in North America. The 45new furniture was made in Boston and Philadelphia with hardwoods from the rain 46forests of the world. The North American people loved these exciting new ideas from 47Europe. 48But in Jamaica, in Cuba, in the Americas, people cut down the big, old hardwood 49trees year after year. Two hundred years later, the best trees were in the middle of 50the forests, long way from roads and ships. 51So companies from around the Amazon rain forest sent workers into the forest. 52These men found the big hardwood trees here and there. They cut them down and 53pulled them long way out of the forest. Then they moved them by road or by river to 54the cities. But when they cut down one big tree, they killed twenty more around it. 55They made lot of money, but in places near rivers and roads the forest started to 56die. 57The companies wanted more roads – and bigger roads. In the 1970s, Brazil built lot 58of new roads into and around the rain forest. 594. 60The first people in the rain forests, of course, were the Indians, or Amerindians. 61The Europeans gave this name to the people in North and South America when they 62arrived there. There were Indians in the Americas for thousands of years before 63Europeans came. Today, there are about 350000 Indians in the Amazon rain forest, 64but they live in small numbers in different places. Sometimes, three or four hundred 65live in one place; sometimes there are only seventy or eighty. They speak different 66languages and live in different ways. 67The Yanumami live in the forest between Venezuela and Brazil. Ten or more families 68live in different rooms and around one larger room. Everybody uses the big room in 69the center. They call their home shabano. The Kayapo people live next to the Xingu 70River in the south of Brazil. They build small houses around open ground. There are 71nine different Indian peoples on the Xingo River – about 14000 people. From the 72Pizabo people of Peru to the Sinabo in Bolivia, there are more than two hundred 73different Indian peoples in the Amazon rain forest. They speak ninety different 74languages. But most Indians also speak Portuguese now. 75Aufgabe zum gesamten Text 76 771) Ordne die Überschriften den vier Kapiteln zu und schreibe sie auf die Zeilen 1-4 im 78Text. Achtung: Eine Überschrift aus dieser Auswahl bleibt übrig! (2) 79 80 The Amazon The people of the rain forest 81 82 Why are rain forests disappearing? What is rain forest? 83 84 Everybody wants wood! 85 86 87 88 89Abschnitt 1 90 912) Wie muss das Wetter sein, um das Wachstum des Regenwaldes zu ermöglichen? 92Schreibe die zwei genannten Adjektive auf. (1) 93 94 und 95 96 973) Lies die folgenden Aussagen. Kreuze bei jedem Satz an, ob er wahr oder falsch 98ist. Handelt es sich um einen falschen Satz, formulierst du den Satz so um, dass er 99stimmt. (2) 100 101a) In Regenwäldern gibt es nur Bäume. 102 103 stimmt stimmt nicht, der Satz sollte so lauten: 104 105_ 106 107b) Es leben wenige Tiere und Pflanzen im Regenwald. 108 109 stimmt stimmt nicht, der Satz sollte so lauten: 110 111_ 112 113c) Es gibt viele verschiedene Baumarten im Regenwald. 114 115 stimmt stimmt nicht, der Satz sollte so lauten: 116 117_ 118 119d) Viele Tiere und Vögel leben in den Bäumen. 120 121 stimmt stimmt nicht, der Satz sollte so lauten: 122 123_ 124Abschnitt 1 und 2 125 1264) Im Text kommen viele Zahlen vor. Schreibe zu jeder Zahl in der Tabelle einen 127Satz, der die Zahl im Zusammenhang mit dem Text erklärt. Beachte das kursiv 128gedruckte Beispiel. (5) 129 58% 58% des weltweiten Regenwaldes befindet sich rund um den Amazon. 10‘000‘000 und 80‘000‘000 90% 750 1900 und 2000 15‘000 130 131Abschnitt 2 132 1335a) Beschreibe in 3-6 Sätzen die Abläufe im Klima/Wetter, die auf den Zeilen 22-27 134erklärt werden. Verwende alle der folgenden Wörter: (6) 135 136Regen Bäume Erde Flüsse Pflanzen Bauern 137 138_ 139_ 140_ 141_ 142_ 143_ 144 1455b) Das Sterben des Regenwaldes hat noch weitere Auswirkungen auf das Wetter 146(Zeilen 28-32). Nenne zwei konkrete Veränderungen des Klimas, die der Text nennt. 147(2) 148 149_ 150_ 151_ 152Abschnitt 3 153 1546a) Wofür wurde das Holz des Regenwalds ursprünglich gebraucht? Nenne die zwei 155Nomen. (1) 156 157Für den Bau von und 158 1596b) Warum waren die Europäer so begeistert vom Holz des Regenwalds? Nenne alle 160Eigenschaften des Holzes, die sie überzeugten. (3) 161_ 162_ 163_ 164 1657) Bringe die Sätze in die richtige Reihenfolge, wie sie im Text erwähnt werden. 166Schreibe die Reihenfolge (1-6) auf die Zeilen. (3) 167 168a Die grossen Firmen bauten neue Strassen in den Wald. 169b Chippendales Möbel wurden weltberühmt. 170c Ein Kunsttischler fertigte Skizzen für Möbelstücke aus Regenwaldholz 171 an. 172d Die ersten Europäer kamen nach Südamerika. 173e Europäische und nordamerikanische Möbelfabrikanten verarbeiteten 174 zum ersten Mal Holz aus dem Regenwald. 175f Nach zweihundert Jahren waren die besten Bäume sehr weit weg von 176 den Transportwegen. 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187Abschnitt 4 188 1897) Erkläre den Begriff „Amerindians. (1) 190_ 191_ 192 1938) Kreuze die zutreffenden Aussagen an. (4) 194 Richtig Falsch Dazu wird im Text nichts gesagt Die 350‘000 Ureinwohner sind eher klein gewachsen. Die Yanumami teilen sich ihr Zuhause mit anderen Familien. Es leben neun Leute am Fluss Xingu. Es gibt mehr als 200 Völker im amazonischen Regenwald. 195