Arbeitsblatt: The tense system


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Andrea Beeli
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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The tense system Setze ein: walk a) Our baby Jack now. Hes just twelve months. b) How did you get her? – We . It didnt take long. c) After ten miles had to stop for rest. We nonstop for four hours. take d) My dog lookes guilty. He some food from the kitchen table. e) It was hard match. At half- time, one of the footballers to hospital. f) This shirt is $45, sir. – Thats fine. it. have g) think we should buy new car. We this one for ages. h) Dont phone at 8.00 this evening. We dinner then. i) We lovely picnic until my wife was stung by bee. make j) This is great sandwich shop. Everything freshly k) By the time Im forty enough money to retire. l) Have you heard about Sam. He redundant. (arbeitslos). wash m) Where are my jeans? – They at the moment. Sorry. n) My favourite white T-Shirt went pink. It with my daughters red sweater. o) Why are you all wet? – the car. Word order Form sentences 1. is Melanie very nice 2. football likes Tom 3. an accident David had 4. moved the piano we 5. tall woman Harriet is 6. sat on the floor everyone 7. gave some help/ Mikes friends him To or for? Marks boss at Zedco is Mr Atkins. He is telling people to do things. Put in to or for. Give these papers my secretary. Could you make some coffee us? Book flight me, could you? Can you post this cheque the hotel? Dont show these plans anyone. Leave message my secretary. Fetch the file me, could you? Write memo all managers. Present continuous Rachel is in the computer room at college. Complete her conversation with Andrew. Put in present continuous form of the verb. Andrew: What (you do) Rachel: I/ write) letter to friend. Hes disc jockey. Vicky and (try) to organize disco. A: That sounds lot of work. How (you/ find) time for your studies? R: Well, as said, Vicky (help) me. (we/ get) on all right. (we not spend) too much time on it. (it not take) me away from my studies, dont worry about that. Oh, sorry, (you/ wait) for this computer? A: Yes, but theres no hurry. R: (I/ correct) the last bit of the letter. Ive nearly finished. Present simple Complete the sentences by putting in the verbs. Use the present simple. You have to decide if the verb is positive or negative. 1. Claire is very sociable. She knows (know) lots of people. 2. Weve got plenty of chairs, thanks. We dont want (want) any more. 3. My friend thinks life in Paris is bit difficult. He (speak) French. 4. Most students live quite close to the college, so they (walk) there. 5. My sports kit is really muddy. This shirt (need) good wash. 6. Ive got four cats and two dogs. (love) animals. 7. Whats the matter? You (look) very happy. 8. No breakfast for Mark, thanks. He (eat) breakfast. 9. Dont try to ring the bell. It (work). 10. hate telephone answering machines. just (like) talking to them. 11. Matthew is good at badminton. He (win) every game. 12. We always travel by bus. We (own) car. Complete the conversation. Put in present simple forms. Rita: Do you like (you/ like) football, Tom? Tom: love (I love) it. Im United fan. (I go) to all their games. Nick usually (come) with me. And we/ travel) to away games, too. Why (you not come) to match some time? Rita: Im afraid football (not make) sense to me – men running after ball. Why (you/ take) it so seriously? Tom: Its wonderful game. I love) it. United are my whole life. Rita: How much (it cost) to buy the tickets and pay for the travel? Tom: lot. (I know/ not) exactly how much. But that/ not/ matter) to me. (I not want) to do anything else. (that annoy) you? Rita: No, (it not annoy) me. just (find) it bit sad. Present continuous or present simple? At work Mark is talking to Alan in the corridor. Complete their conversation. Put in the present continuous or simple of the verbs. Mark: Are you looking (you look) for someone? Alan: Yes, need (I need) to speak to Neil. He isnt in his office. M: (he/ talk) to the boss at the moment. (I/ think) (they discuss) money. A: Oh, right. And what about you? (you/ look) for someone too? M: Yes, Linda. (you/ know) where she is? A: Oh, she isnt here today. She only (work) four days week. (she/ not/ work) on Fridays. Shell be here on Monday. M: Thank you.(you/ know) lot about Linda. A: Well, most days I give) her lift, or (she/ give) me one. (she/ live) quite close to me. (it/ save) petrol. M: Yes, of course. Good idea. Yes, (I/ agree). Well, (I/ waste) my time here then. Ill get back to my computer. Complete the sentences. Put in present continuous or simple of the verbs. Im writing to my parents. write to them every weekend. 1. (it/snow) outside. (it/ come) down quite hard, look. 2. Normally (I/ start) work at eight oclock, but (I/ start) at seven this week. Were very busy at the moment. 3. havent got car at the moment, so (I/ go) to work on the bus this week. Usually (I/ drive) to work. 4. The sun (rise) in the east, remember. Its behind us so (we/ travel) west. 5. Im afraid have no time to help just now. (I/ write) report. But (I/ promise) Ill give you some help later. 6. (I/ want) new car. (I/ save) up to buy one. State verbs and action verbs think/ Im thinking etc. Complete the conversation. Choose the correct form of the verb. Emma: Hi Matthew. What do you look/ are you looking at? Matthew: Oh, hi. These are photos of me when was child. E: Oh, look at this one. think/ Im thinking you look lovely, Matthew. M: have/ Im having some more photos here. E: Look at this. Why such big coat? M: It was my brothers. Thats why it didnt fit/ it wasnt fitting properly. E: Oh, see Im seeing. And you have/ youre having your tea here. And in this one you think /youre thinking about something very serious. M: This is photo of the village come/ Im coming from. E: Oh, thats nice. M: And caught this fish, look. It weighed /It was weighing about half kilo. E: What nice little boy! And what sentimental old thing you are now! The verb be Put in the correct form of be. Daniel is doing some of the work. Hes being very helpful at the moment. Im tired. want to go home. 1. The children very polite today. They dont usually behave so well. 2. Im afraid Melanie cant come because she ill. 3. Of course you can understand it. You stupid, thats all. 4. We interested in doing course here. 5. Vicky very lazy at the moment. Shes done no work at all today. Be kann als permanente Angabe benutzt werden. Beispiel: Claire is very sociable person. Ebenso kann be als zeitlich begrenzte Angabe benutzt werden. Beispiel: Andrew is being very sociable today. Like etc. kann als permanente Angabe im simple tense stehen. Beispiel: love/ enjoy parties. Als kurze, zeitlich begrenzte Angabe nutzen wir like etc. im continuous: Im loving/enjoying this party. Past continuous or simple? Put in the correct form of the verb. Rita: hear the lights went (go) out in your flats last night. Emma: Yes, was watching (I/watch) documentary on TV when suddenly (we/ lose) all the power. But (it/ come) on again after about ten minutes. Vicky: Rachel (come) down the stairs when the lights (go) out. She almost (fall) over. Daniel: Matthew and (play) table tennis at the time. Andrew: (I/work) on the computer. (I/lose) whole hours work. But this morning (I/get) up early and (do) it again. Find the second part of each sentence. Put each verb in the correct form. Vicky (have) beautiful dream when she (touch) the wire. When Andrew (see) the question, when (find) 10$ note in it. The train (wait) when the alarm clock (ring). (read) library book the crowd (rush) in. Sarah (have) an electric shock he (know) the answer immediately. When the doors (open) they (see) that the sun (shine). When the campers (wake), when we (arrive) at the station. Vicky was having beautiful dream when the alarm clock ring. When Andrew saw the question, Put in the past simple of the verbs in brackets. The car stopped (stop) at the lights. 1. We (leave) the cinema before the end of the film. 2. The streets (be) crowded with people. 3. My grandmother (die) last year. 4. Everyone (have) marvellous time. 5. We (not/ like) the food they gave us. 6. Claire (go) to Egypt last month. 7. The accident (happen) last weekend. 8. It (not/ be) very comfortale journey. 9. (know) that ages ago. Write second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first. Use the word in brackets. There were lights on the spacecraft. (have) The spacecraft had lights on it. 1. had my old coat on. (wearing) 2. was on holiday, and you were on holiday, too. (we) 3. It isnt true that made mistake. (didnt) 4. The boys were in the middle of game of cards. (playing) 5. No one told me about the change of plan. (know) 6. My friend was the winner of the competetion. (won) 7. Is it fact that the Romans bult this wall? (did) Complete the sentences. Put in the correct form of each verb. Use the past continuous or past simple. When Martin arrived (arrive) home, Anna was talking (talk) to someone on the phone. Martin started (start) to get the tea. 1. (lie) in the bath when the phone (ring). It (stop) after few rings. 2. It (be) cold when we (leave) the house that day, and light snow (fall). 3. Your friend who (come) here the other day(seem) very nice. (enjoy) meeting her. 4. When (see) the man, he (stand) outside the bank. He (have) black baseball cap on. 5. When (open) the cupboard door, pile of books (fall) out. 6. (walk) along the street when suddenly (feel) something hit me in the back. (not/ know) what it was. 7. We (go) to London yesterday, but on the way we (hear) about bomb scare in Oxford Street. So we (drive) back home straightaway. 8. Something very strange (happen) to me on my way home from work yesterday afternoon. (drive) along the bypass at the time. Suddenly (see) my mother in the seat beside me. But she died three years ago. The present perfect Add sentence. Use the present perfect. am tired. (I/ walk miles) Ive walked miles. 1. Emmas computer is working now. (she/repair/it) 2. Its cooler here now. (I/open/the window) 3. The visitors are here at last. (they/ arrive) 4. Marks car isnt blocking us in now. (he/move/it) 5. We havent got any new videos. (we/watch/all these) For or since? Daniel: How long have you been learning English? Ilona: Well, studied it five years at school, and Ive been having evening classes last summer. Thats when left school. Daniel: And youre staying here three months? Ilona:Thats right. Ive been here the end of April. Im going to London week before go home. Simple form or progressive form? 1. Bill is very talented musician. He (to play) the bassoon (Fagott) very well. 2. While Liberace (1919-1987), the famous American piano player, (to play) the piano in concert the candles of candelabrum (to burn) on his piano. 3. While the firemen (to try) to extinguish the fire the ambulance men (to see to versorgen) injured persons. 4. Students in California prefer (to learn) Spanish as foreign language rather than German. 5. Listen. Nancy (to learn) the poem by herart. She (to read) it over and over again loudly. 6. The Titanic (to move) at full speed when suddenly she (to hit) an iceberg. While the crew (to try) to calm down the passengers the signal officers (to send) mayday calls. 7. Every morning Sarah (to get) on the train at 6.15. While the train (to run) through the open landscape she (to read) the morning paper. Yesterday while she (to look) at the latest sports events in the paper the train suddenly (to come) to stop. The guard (Schaffner) (to hurry) into the compartment (to look) at the passengers and (to dash) out again. Nobody (to know) what (to go) on. All of sudden the fire brigade (to arrive). The fire engine (to stop), the firemen (to jump) out, (to roll) out the hoses (Schläuche) and (to put) out fire in one of the goods wagons. Which form is correct? A) Bill has been washing/ has washed his fathers car. Now hes tired and wet all over. B) Mortimer has been sitting has sat by the river and fishing for two hours now and he has still not caught/ has still not been catching any fish at all. C) The author has been writing/ has written several short stories and novels. He is well-known all over the world now. D) Kevin has walked has been walking through the barren landscape for hours and hours and he has still not reached/has still not been reaching youth hostel. E) Im sure you are hungry. Mother has been preparing has prepared something to eat and drink for you. F) cant stand it any longer. My neighbour has been playing/ has played the piano for three hours now and dont think he is going to stop soon. G) The student has been reading/ has read quite few plays by William Shakespeare. No he knows lot about the famous playwright. H) The young men has been unemployed/ has been being unemployed for three and half years. He has been running/ has run out of money by now. Translation practice. 1. The Petersons have lived in Montgomery, Alabama, since they emigrated to America years ago. 2. The police have been searching the thieves house for hours and hours. The havent found anything so far. 3. Mr Smith has had trouble with his students since he became teacher in 1983. 4. The homeless person has been living an awful life since he left his family years ago. 5. Tante Samantha redet jetzt schon seit Stunden über ihre Krankheiten. Ich kann das einfach nicht mehr ertragen. 6. Der Chirurg (surgeon) operiert schon seit vielen Jahren in demselben Unfallkrankenhaus (casualty hospital) mit demselben Team. 7. Ich war noch nie so glücklich, wie ich (es) heute bin. Homework: Write letter to your English friend describing your home town. Where is it and how big is it? Whats interesting in your town/ village? What do you like there? What dont you like there? Something oder anything? 1. can hearoutside. – cant hear Oh, be quiet. 2. Look at that bird on the tree. – Sorry cant see 3. Wheres Tom? – Hes at the supermarket. He needs for his tea. 4. Try Daves chocolate cake. – Sorry, cant eat I ate too much for lunch. 5. Whats Tina doing? – dont know. think shes prepairing for her guests tonight. 6. Nick doesnt get much pocket-money. – Why? Do you know? Well, he doesnt do at home. 7. Now, Martin, dont tell me that you cant remember about our last English lesson. – Sorry, Herr Wenzelmann, but cant. – But you must remember 8. Merlin, tell me about your magic. – Sorry, Agatha, cant sayabout it. 9. Heres 5, Janet. – Thanks, Mum. Do you want from the shop? 10. Did Mary give youfor your birthday? – No, she didnt. never get from her. German: vor English: ago before in front of to Complete the following sentences with the right words. 1. The next bus leaves at ten six. 2. Jane arrived us. 3. Wait for us the cinema. 4. The accident happened two day his 15th birthday. 5. The boy next to Peter is Jim and the girl him is his sister Mary. 6. tried to phone Kevin lunch. 7. Meet me at the club at quarterfour. 8. Have you got garden your house? 9. Jeff fell off al ladder two weeks . Adjective or adverb? Make adverbs from the adjectives in ) and complete the sentences. Last week Kevins football team, Sandfield Youth Club, won their match (easy). They usually play very (confident) and win most of their matches. But yesterday things did not go so (good). The did not play (careful) enough, and so they lost against Woodside Sports Club. The Woodside team played very (clever), sometimes (fast) and sometimes (slow). After short time the boys in Kevins team ran round the field (nervous) and started to play (bad). Kevin had very bad day- he played (terrible). Soon it was 3-1 for Woodside. The Sandfield boys tried very (hard), but the Woodside team played too (strong) for them. Woodside won the match 5-1. Adjective or adverb? The school volleyball team played (good) on Saturday. – Oh, did they win? Their last match was (terrible). West Ham were so (bad) last week that the lost against Luton. But yesterday they beat Everton (easy). – Everton often play (bad) against weaker teams. Did you hear about the cycling race on TV? Jim Kelly was (fantastic). – We only watched the first part. But that was very (exciting). Basketball is very (popular) at this school. Do you think can play in your team? – Can you run (fast)? Can you jump (good)? And can you move (quick)? Then youre all right. Translation: in English, please. Rita in England. Rita kennt England nicht sehr gut. Und sie ist (noch) nie in Norwich gewesen, wo ihre neue Brieffreundin Jane wohnt. Jane hat Rita schon viele interessante Briefe geschrieben. Und nun hat sie Rita nach Norwich eingeladen. Sie hat ihr auch ein Buch mit Bildern der Norfolk Broads geschenkt. Rita hat schon viel über diese Gegend (part) Englands gehört. Und ihre Englischlehrerin hat ihr viel darüber erzählt. Rita hat (schon) immer dorthin fahren wollen, aber sie hat nie genug Geld gehabt. Aber diesmal hat sie Glück. Ihre Großeltern haben ihr gerade 100 € geschenkt. Und sie hat schon fast 150 € gespart. Am Samstag hat sie Geburtstag und ihre Mutter wird ihr auch etwas Geld geben. Textaufgabe: Texterschließung nach bestimmten Regeln 1. den Textinhalt ermitteln was geschieht? Wovon handelt der Text? Wie verhalten sich die Personen? Warum? Usw. 2. die Art und Weise der Darstellung beschreiben und charakterisieren Wie werden Personen, Sachverhalte, Probleme im Text beschrieben? Welche Sprachmittel . werden benutzt? Warum? Usw. 3. Textaussage einordnen, deuten, bewerten Wie hängt diese Aussage mit anderen zum gleichen Thema zusammen? Wie ist sie zu beurteilen? Inhalt Was? Form Wie? Stellungnahme Wie zu verstehen/ einzuordnen? Wortwahl: Welches Register: Sport/ Recht/ Alltag usw. formal/ informal/ neutral Wahl der Satzbaumuster: SPO- Sätze, komplexe Baumuster Wahl der Textart/ form: fiktionaler/ nicht- fiktionaler Text, Gedicht, Lied, short story, Bericht, Kommentar, usw. Druckanordnung: Absätze, Einschübe, Schreibweise, Hervorhebung, Zeilenlänge, usw. „Tonart des Textes: ernsthaft, ironisch, unbeteiligt, distanziert, usw. fictional: fairy tales poems/ sonett short- stories drama/ play songs novels utopian literature horror, crime love- story social history stories of imitation non- fictional: report essay interview biography comment Novel Metafictional novel reliable narrator unreliable narrator details that picture world as real (istic) as possible self- concious narrator parody use mythos and familiar stories Realism Metafiction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEHLER VERMEIDEN Halber Satz: Because he doesnt know where to find it. The reader has to know what you are talking about. Füllwörter: Perhaps one could be partly of the . No slang; no highbrow (Dinge wichtiger machen) Vereinfachung/ Verallgemeinerung: and so he makes it clear. SA/Sb: and then, and then, ., because objective/ subjective: You could perhaps say, , think GR: and so he asks whether Shall compare this to summers day Richtig: whether he should (indirekte Rede) Keine Dialogform Eingehen auf Fragen Kurz, präzise und knapp schreiben So lang wie nötig, so kurz wie möglich!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check your knowledge Part 1: or an? Spot the mistakes 1. an excellent author 2. an European country 3. an university 4. it great honour for me 5. honourable man 5P Part 2: You meet false friends, be careful! 1. (Meinung) Give me your on British football. 2. (Bedeutung): What is the of the word symbol? 3. (erinnert mich an): That song of the Beatles. 4. (euch erinnern): Can youwhat we did last week? 5. (interessiert): The class was notin what the teacher said. 5P Part 3: Translate. Keep special attention to conditional clause. 1. Was würdest du tun, wenn jemand dir 1.000 geben würde? 2. Wenn ich noch einmal jung wäre, würde ich viele Dinge anders machen. 3. Er wäre gekommen, wenn wir ihn eingeladen hätten. 4. Ich würde es nicht behaupten (to claim sth.), wenn ich es nicht wüsste. 4P Part 4: Make sure of your vocabulary 1. (typisch für): The ‘can- do spirit isthe way many Americans see themselves. 2. (hängt ab von): Your success in life lot of factors. 3. (betrachtet werden als): She can be as feminist author. 4. (u.a.): Youll have to do translation this time. 5. (bringt): This authorquite few facts in his article. 6. (bezieht sich auf): The authorthe political situation in our country. 7. (kann eingeteilt werden): The textfour units. 7P Part 5: Do you know your preposition? 1. Have you already read The Secret Diary of A. Mole, aged 13 Sue Townsend? 2. It deals the experiences written down British youngster the lower classes. 3. He lives his parents and is interested social work. 4. He looks an old man who is very lonely and who lives all himself. 5. We could discuss lot of passages that book. 6. Read that interesting book and youll agree me. 6P Part 6: Adjective or adverb? Translate the following sentences. 1. Sie sah ihn freundlich an. 2. Das wird mir jetzt klar (to me!). 3. Das ist ganz klar ein Problem, über das wir reden müssen. 4. Er beschreibt den Mann detailliert. 5. Der Autor spricht den Leser direkt an. 5P Part 7: Give synonym ( word or expression of similar meaning) Finally the visitors arrived. Do you share the standpoint that punks are dangerous? Have you reached your aim/ goal? Can you give proof of that? This is what the author wants to make clear to us. The text can be divided into three major units. The main part reaches from to The text is to illustrate the dangers of drug abuse. In my opinion thats rubbish! To begin with well read out the text. 10 Spelling Exercise 1: Spot the spelling mistakes in each sentence. 1. She realy wanted to understand his motive for saying no. 2. We should allways drive carefully. 3. My parents try to fullfill most of my wishes. 4. This hambuger tastes awfull. 5. Peter and Mary have decided to seperate. 6. Im going to discribe the authors intention first. 7. Today well begin by studying Master Turners charakter. 8. In reality she looks much better then on the photo. 9. cant except the authors opinion on education. 10. You cannot leave children to themselfs. 11. An other point dont understand is why parents do so little to control there kids. 12. cannot belive that parents do not realize that. 13 Exercise 2: or c? 1. That doesnt make sene. 2. In his presene we had to be quiet. 3. That sounds absolutely senele 4. Her absene was not noticed. 5. Have you understood the last sentene? 6. He speaks with foreign aent. 7. He is senible young man. 8. Id like to be 100 per ent sure. 8P or oo? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. That can easily be proed from the text. The pr of the pudding is in the eating. Can you pro me wrong? We dont want to lose the match. Gains and los. Have you lo your memory? 7. Nobody likes being considerd loer. 8. He grieved for the lo of his friend. 8P de or di? 1. dvide 2. dsillusion 4. dsaster 5. dstroy 7. dsinterested 8. dsarmament 10. dscribe 11. dspite 13. spair 14. dsegregation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3. dsintegration 6. dsuse 9. dviation 12. dssimilar 15. dstribute 15 or ie or y? Weve got two ‘Jims in our famil. More and more children come from broken famils. Our famils favourite pastime is watching TV. Hes famil- man. Most famils main concern is money. Pat is the new part-spokesman. The parts new leader is quite unknown. Weve got four major parts in our country. The parts foremost problem is raising money. 9P e – – ie ee – ea y 1. In his famous poem Carl Sandburg dscrbes the city of Chicago. 2. This model is on dsplay only. 3. The text dvdes into several stanzas. 4. He dd of cancer. 5. The mother caught her child ling. 6. The baby crd bitterly. 7. Theres no use cring over split milk. 8. Hes human bing after all. 9. He was too wk to walk alone. 10. ‘Newswk is wkly nws magazine publishe in the U.S. 11. Can you explain the word ‘explntion? 12. blv that ‘In my bl is written with on ‘ only. 16 Exercise 3: Examine the verbs and spot the spelling mistakes. 1. He answerd in whisper. 2. She speakes of going to Britain for year. 3. The traffic lights werde red. We stoped at once. 4. Our teacher talkes with foreign accent. 5. Weve build up good relationship to our teacher. 6. Where have you learnt to speak Japanese? 7. He watchs TV till late at night. 8. They havnt made it in time. 8P Exercise 4: life or live? 1. Our friend next door. 2. Liing conditions are bad. 3. The American way of li. 4. The match was televised. 5. They gave her the kiss of li. 6. Thats . 7. They had the time of their li_. 8. We should all in harmony. 9. How did begin? 9P 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. self or selves? They must try it them_. He will do it h. Lets do it our. The baby itsel could hold its feeding bottle. Too much selishness is bad feature, isnt it? 6P Check up 1. How do you say these numbers and dates? Circle the correct form (a or b)! 321 a) three hundred and twenty-one b) three hundreds twenty-one Liverpool 3 – Chelsea 0 (football scores) a) Liverpool three- Chelsea zero b) Liverpool three- Chelsea nil 01902 (phone code) a) nought one nine nought two b) oh one nine oh two 40-0 (tennis score) a) forty – love b) forty – nil 7 May (date) a) the seventh of May b) the seven of May 1999 (year) a) one thousand nine hundrend and ninety-nine b) nineteen ninety-nine 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, be, or have. Some of the answers are negative. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. work in large company, but like it very much. you been waiting long? Its very hot today, it? dont understand what they saying. The job advertised in last nights paper. You dont see your parents very often. Whenthey emigrate? ‘Have you moved house yet? ‘No, we. new road being built through the town centre at the moment. 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in italics. One example has been given. Have 1. We have French classes twice week. 2. Dont call the office at one oclock. We meeting. 3. You are so lucky! You three holidays already this year. Work 4. Im designer, but in the sales department at the moment. 5. She in London when last saw her. 6. He for three different companies since last year. Travel 7. Before she emigrated last year, she never abroad. 8. People to the moon in the 25th century. 9. 5,000 miles by the end of this month. 4. Make these sentences passive. Example: Theyre repairing the bridge. The bridge is being repaired. 1. Has someone repaired your car? 2. They havent printed the results yet. 3. They wont tell the staff about the problems. 4. They are improving the property. 5. They dont manufacture computers at that factory. 6. They will advertise the new product on TV. 7. They must do the work carefully. 5. Translate these sentences. 1. She took the plunge and decided to emigrate about month ago. 2. We all suffered from culture shock at first, but now we fell very much at home. 3. Youre boring me with all your questions. Go and look it up in book. 4. If youre bored, theres plenty of housework to be done. 5. When my father was child, his family decided to move abroad. 6. If they havent been found by 9.30, well have to organize search party. 6. Complete the expressions with take or put. 1. risk 4. my advice 7. my arm round sb 2. place 3. plan into practice 5. sb in charge of 6. pressure on sb 8. responsibility for sth 7. Underline the correct form of the verb in each sentence. Example: havent had any news from my friends for ages. Theyre travelling They travel around Europe. 1. When arrived at the tourist caves, people were already queuing/ already queued to get in. 2. Could you move out of the way of my camcorder, please? record Im recording the display. 3. Were exhausted because weve explored/ weve been exploring the city all morning. 4. was appalled at the amount of rubbish that people had left/ had been leaving on Mount Everest. 5. He worked was working as tour guide when met him. 6. The growth of tourism started was starting in the 1960s. 7. We need to act quickly because tourists are destroying destroy this historic site. 8. Look at this! Ive been writing Ive written our names on the wall of the cave. 8. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form of the Present Perfect simple or continuous. 1. He (write) ‘green travel guide for the last six months. 2. Thousands of tourists (see) the temples of Thailand this year. 3. never (film) my holiday on camcorder. 4. My friends (travel) around Australia for the last seven months. 5. We cant visit the caves because the authorities (close) them. 6. Ive run out of money but (buy) some wonderful souvenirs. 7. She (learn) Spanish in preparation for her trip to Peru. 8. My back really hurts. (carry) that heavy backpack all day. 9. He (catch) several serious illnesses since going abroad. 10. always (think) of myself as traveller rather than tourist. 9. Translate these sentences. 1. Its hell of journey to get from my home to work. 2. He enjoys his work but he always puts his family first. 3. My plane took off late because of the awful weather conditions. 4. Mums nearly ready. Shes just putting her make- up on. 10. Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets. funny thing happened (happen) to me while was at local music festival with my boyfriend, who (win) two festival tickets earlier that week. It was Saturday afternoon at about three clock when we (arrive) at the festival and hundreds of people already (get) there. (spend) the first couple of hours just looking at all the different styles of clothes that people (wear) and the amazing hairstyles they (have). At about seven oclock, we joined huge crowd of people at the main stage after one of the most popular bands (start) to play. After about half an hour, (realize) wanted to go to the toilet so left my boyfriend enjoying the music. It (take) about ten minutes to walk to the toilets and there was big queue when got there. After about three quarters of an hour, (make) my way back to the concert. There was an even bigger crowd of people by then, so just looked for tall guy with dark hair, jeans and black leather jacket, which was what my boyfriend (wear). spotted guy who looked like this, pushed my way through the crowd and stood in front of him. After the band(finish), turned round, looked at the guy properly and realized it wasnt my boyfriend! (stand) with complete stranger for over an hour! went very red, mumbled an apology and then saw my boyfriend, who (look) for me for ages! ‘Where you (disappear) to? he asked. He never believed my story. 11. Make these sentences passive. 1. They published the book after the author had died. 2. They were making the film when the director decided to leave. 3. They promoted the film in New York, London, and Paris. 4. They didnt recommend the new novel very highly. 5. They had based the main character on real person. 6. While they were making the film, they ran out of money. 7. After they had found an actor for the role, they decided not to make the film. 8. How much money did they earn from the film? 12. Underline the correct alternative in each sentence. Example: have less fewer friends than when was student. 1. Hurry up! We have very little/ little time. 2. All people Everyone wished me happy birthday. 3. Less Fewer people have big families these days. 4. All Everything want is to go home. 5. dropped box of cups and glasses. All Everything broke. 6. Can borrow tie? Any Some colour will be OK. 7. Ive never been abroad in my all life/ my whole life. 8. cant offer you the job because you have little a little experience. 9. Please make less fewer noise. 10. Dont buy any more cheese. We have little/ little left. 13. Are the following nouns usually countable of uncountable, or can they be both? Write for countable, for uncountable, and for both. 1. money 5. coffee 9. fruit 2. time 6. dollar 10. tool 3. honey 7. experience 4. slave 8. leather 14. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Example: She earns 2$ an hour. a lot) She doesnt earn lot of money. 1. Ninety per cent of children start school at the age of five. (nearly all) 2. There arent any chocolates left. (not single) 3. Ive spent nearly thousand pounds this month! (huge amount) 4. There isnt one of my friends who came. (none) 5. We have two days holiday at Christmas. (much) 6. One or two of my friends have children. (very few) 7. There are two people in the restaurant. (many) Reading Comprehension II Homework Read page 53 to 54 An eye for an eye in your English A5 book. Then answer the following questions. Make sure you use the right tense and that your text includes all necessary information. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Give short summary of the text you have just read. Describe the Patels. (number of family members; jobs etc.) What happens to the Patels each night? Leela has got an idea. Write down in few sentences what this idea is like. What does PAR mean? What happened to Sumit? Write down some pros and cons about Ritas behaviour at the end of the story. Give some arguments for what the police might have done. Imagine you were Rita. What would you have done against the gang attacking you and your family? 10. Can you describe similar situations that you may have been in or even heard of in your home town or country? Reading comprehension Part II Homework Read page 72 to 73 The family who turned back the clock in the Students book. Then answer the following questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How many television sets do the Jones have? Give some information about the family itself (persons, age etc.). Describe the rules and contents (Inhalte) of the experiment. Point out some pros and cons of such an experiment. Describe the childrens opinion of their life during the experiment. What do the parents think about their life during the experiment? Imagine you were told to take part in such an experiment. Would you join it? Give some reasons for and against this experiment. Have look at ex. 6 /T 7.4 on page 73. Answer the questions.