Arbeitsblatt: NSE Test Unit 3


Lernkontrolle zum Unit 3
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Steger Patrick

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Test English P: Unit 3 ø: 52 21.12.09 N: N: U: 1. Make sentences with these words: a) cant sing my brother he can play but football b) but cant fly a goldfish can swim it c) it but cant sing can smile a baby d) / / but can cant 2. Can or cant: Im folgenden Text findest du Informationen über 3 Personen. Setze ein für die Dinge, die sie können und ein für die Dinge, die sie nicht können. Luke and Mike are good at sport. They can play tennis, ride bicycle and ski. Sandy can ski and play tennis, but not ride bicycle. Sandy is very good at languages. She can speak French, German and Italian. Luke can speak French but no Italian or German. And Mike can speak English – finished! He isnt good at languages but hes good cook. bicycle German tennis Italian ski French coffee pizza Luke Sandy Mike Schreibe Fragen über das, was Luke, Sandy und Mike können. Beantworte diese Fragen, verwende aber keine Namen, brauche he, she oder they. e.g. Luke Mike tennis? Can Luke and Mike play tennis? Yes, they can. 1 Sandy tennis? 2 Luke German? 3 Luke Sandy French? 4 Mike Italian? 5 Mike cook? 6 Sandy ski? 3. How can they do it? (Beachte die Zeichen!) Sandy is good tennis player. Luke is bad tennis player. -- She can play tennis very well. He can play tennis, but badly. -- 1 Sandy French speaker -- 2 Luke skier 3 Mike Italian speaker -- 4 Sandy pizza cook -- 5 Luke coffee maker 4. Complete the text: Albert cant television, and cant car because blind. Caroline cant read the because shes baby, but she smile at people! Fred cant fish and in restaurant, and he walk in the because hes in hospital. You cant in the park because youre at ! Here are the missing words: can, cant, chips, drive, eat, hes, he, newspaper, park, school, walk, watch 5. Was gehört zusammen? Setze diese nouns zu den verbs: bicycle, book, camel, car, coffee, film, fish, football, French, German, newspaper, spaghetti, television, tennis cook make read speak drive play ride watch