Arbeitsblatt: Filmszenen zu Film
Beschreibung der Filmstory in A2-Englisch in 15 Abschnitten mit jeweiligem Vokabular direkt daneben. Passt gut zu Super Bus 4 unit 5 Famous Characters
Gemischte Themen
5. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Claudia Kavungu-Zwahlen
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Scenes of the film 1 Tony Blair is elected as Prime Minister. He is moderniser, modern man. The queen is old fashioned, not happy about this young new Prime Minister. 2 Princess Diana dies in car accident in Paris. The car was too fast and crashed against the wall in tunnel. Lady Diana was divorced from Prince Charles. rich Egyptian man was her new partner. He died as well in this car crash. 3 « QUEEN» vote elected old fashioned car crash, car accident against wall divorced wählen, abstimmen gewählt altmodisch Autounfall gegen eine Wand geschieden The British people are shocked and very sad about Lady Ds death. Tony Blair too. The Royal family keeps cool. Except of the EX husband of Lady Diana, Prince Charles Prince of Wales. too husband except of auch Ehemann ausser 4 Prince Charles flies to Paris and goes to the hospital where Lady Diana died. He wants to take the coffin home. The queen and Prince Philip, Charles parents, keep very cool. They hated Diana. Theyre not sad. Prince Charles talks to Tony Blair. The whole world expresses their sadness about this death, even the President of America Bill, Clinton, is in grief. 5 The British people are very, very sad. They weep in public and lay down many, many flowers in front of the Buckingham Palace in London. The Royal family is far away in their castle in Scotland, the Balmoral. Monday 6 The Royals go stalking in the Scottish Highlands. Prince Charles phones to Tony Blair to say that he is on his side. Charles tries to convict his mother the queen that Lady Diana was wonderful mother. She didnt hide her feelings. Thats what people love on her. The TV channels show it in many retrospectives. The queen keeps cool, hard, untouched. Tony Blair is concerned. The people need the consolation and the grief of the queen. They want the Tuesday coffin grief hate talk the whole world express weep in public many far away stalk convict hide her feelings TV channels retrospective untouched concerned Sarg Trauer hassen sprechen die ganze Welt ausdrücken weinen öffentlich viele weit weg jagen überzeugen Gefühle verstecken Fernsehkanäle Rückblick unberührt besorgt 7 Sunday Wednesday queen to come to London and put the flag on half mast as sign of grief. The people start to hate the queen. consolation flag on half mast Trost Fahne auf Halbmast 8 Newspaper headlines say that the people want to abolish the monarchy. They want revolution. Tony Blair phones to the Queen. She keeps hard. newspaper headline abolish monarchy Zeitungsschlagzeile abschaffen Königtum 9 The queen drives alone in the land rover. The jeep gets stacked in river, the queen must wait for help. She weeps. And then she sees beautiful stag deer. That changes something in her. get stacked stag /deer stecken bleiben Hirsch 10 Tony Blair wants to help the queen and warn her. People say on TV that the queen is making serious mistake: Tony Blair phones again and says the queen must come quickly to London. serious mistake quickly einen grossen Fehler schnell 11 The queen wants to serve the people. She gives in. Philip says: Thats madness! Charles her son is happy Scotland: The queen prepares to fly back to London. Before leaving she watches the dead a fourteen pointer. And she is sad about it. The queen is in Buckingham Palace, London. She prepares her speech to the people. She puts in feelings, her heart, shows her compassion Thursday serve the people give in fourteen pointer dem Volk dienen nachgeben Vierzehnender 14 Its the funeral day. The queen is among the people, she shows herself with feelings in warm speech. The people forgive her. Saturday 15 Tony Blair visits the queen. The queen seems to be depressed at first. But then she thanks Tony Blair for his help. They go for walk in the park. Even the queen sees that the world has changed and she must modernise some things !!!!!!!!!! Happy End two months later speech put in heart show compassion funeral among forgive visit depressed modernise Ansprache einbauen Herz Mitleid zeigen Begräbnisfeier inmitten vergeben besuchen niedergeschlagen modernisieren 12 13 Friday Scenes of the film 1 Tony Blair is as Prime Minister. He is moderniser, modern man. The queen is old ., not happy about this young new Prime Minister. 2 Princess Diana dies in car accident in Paris. The car was too fast and crashed . the wall in tunnel. Lady Diana was divorced from Prince Charles. rich Egyptian man was her new partner. He died as well in this car crash. 3 « QUEEN» vote elected old fashioned wählen, abstimmen gewählt altmodisch car crash, car accident against wall divorced Autounfall gegen eine Wand geschieden The British people are shocked and very sad about Lady Ds death. Tony Blair too. The Royal family keeps cool. Except of the EX husband of Lady Diana, Prince Charles Prince of Wales. too husband except of auch Ehemann 4 Prince Charles flies to Paris and goes to the hospital where Lady Diana died. He wants to take the coffin home. The queen and Prince Philip, Charles parents, keep very cool. They hated Diana. Theyre not sad. Prince Charles talks to Tony Blair. The whole world expresses their sadness about this death, even the President of America Bill, Clinton, is in grief. 5 The British people are very, very sad. They weep in public and lay down many, many flowers in front of the Buckingham Palace in London. The Royal family is far away in their castle in Scotland, the Balmoral. Monday 6 The Royals go stalking in the Scottish Highlands. Prince Charles phones to Tony Blair to say that he is on his side. Charles tries to convict his mother the queen that Lady Diana was wonderful mother. She didnt hide her feelings. Thats what people love on her. The TV channels show it in many retrospectives. Tuesday coffin grief hate sprechen the whole world express weep in public many far away stalk convict hide her feelings TV channels retrospective Sarg Trauer hassen talk die ganze Welt ausdrücken weinen öffentlich viele weit weg jagen überzeugen Gefühle verstecken Fernsehkanäle Rückblick Sunday 7 The queen keeps cool, hard, untouched. Tony Blair is . The people need the consolation and the grief of the queen. They want the queen to come to London and put the flag . as sign of grief. The people start to hate the queen. 8 untouched concerned consolation flag on half mast unberührt besorgt Trost Fahne auf Halbmast Newspaper headlines say that the people want to the monarchy. They want revolution. Tony Blair phones to the Queen. She keeps hard. newspaper headline abolish monarchy Zeitungsschlagzeile abschaffen Königtum 9 The queen drives alone in the land rover. The jeep gets . in river, the queen must wait for help. She weeps. And then she sees beautiful stag deer. That changes something in her. get stacked stag /deer stecken bleiben Hirsch 10 Tony Blair wants to help the queen and warn her. People say on TV that the queen is making serious mistake: Tony Blair phones again and says the queen must come quickly to London. serious mistake quickly einen grossen Fehler schnell 11 The queen wants to . the people. She s in. Philip says: Thats madness! Charles, her son, is happy. Scotland: The queen prepares to fly back to London. Before leaving she watches the dead a fourteen pointer. And she is sad about it. The queen is in Buckingham Palace, London. She prepares her . to the people. She s . feelings, her ., shows her . Thursday serve the people give in fourteen pointer dem Volk dienen nachgeben Vierzehnender 14 Its the funeral day. The queen is among the people, she shows herself with feelings in warm speech. The people forgive her. Saturday 15 Tony Blair .s the queen. The queen seems to be at first. But then she thanks Tony Blair for his help. They go for walk in the park. Even the queen sees that the world has changed and she must some things !!!!!!!!!! Happy End two months later speech put in heart show compassion funeral among forgive visit depressed modernise Ansprache Einbauen Herz Mitleid zeigen Begräbnisfeier inmitten vergeben besuchen niedergeschlagen modernisieren 12 13 Wednesday Friday