Arbeitsblatt: YW Unit 3 Vocatest


YW Unit 3 Vocatest
5. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Evelyne Spörri
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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18th of November 2011 Vocabulary exam Unit 2 Name: Points/Max.: Signature (Unterschrift): Mark (Note): Vocabulary Unit 3 Good More or less Not good Listen and translate Label the pictures Fill in the gaps Translate Listen and translate. /4 a) b) c) d). 1. Label the pictures. /8 18th of November 2011 Vocabulary exam Unit 2 Fill in the gaps. Use the words from the box. traffic terrible ambulance backwards first aid /6 cry Dont walk ! There is street behind you! Oh, no! The car didnt see him. What . accident! He has to because of the accident. He is bleeding lot! Call the . Because of the the ambulance can not drive fast. When the ambulance comes, they do some /6 2. Translate. English short German 18th of November 2011 Vocabulary exam Unit 2 Geschwindigkeit protect brauchen, gebrauchen aufrufen, rufen süss Name: Points/Max.: Unterschrift: Mark (Note): Vocabulary 3 1. 2. /4 Benenne die Bilder. Fülle die Lücken mit den Wörtern im Kasten aus get help wear round police call The earth is You have to ! Quick! the Ambulance! /5 The . also comes. /3 18th of November 2011 Vocabulary exam Unit 2 . pullover. 3. Übersetze die Wörter in die andere Sprache. English German look at Natel glücklich Vocabulary Unit 3 Listen and translate. /4 a) look at (schauen, hinschauen) b) because of (weil) c) drive (fahren) d) think (denken) Label the pictures. leg cyclist wood ambulance /8 18th of November 2011 Vocabulary exam Unit 2 earth hot think round Fill in the gaps. Use the words from the box. traffic terrible ambulance backwards first aid /6 cry Dont walk backwards! There is street behind you! Oh, no! The car didnt see him. What terrible accident! He has to cry because of the accident. He is bleeding lot! Call the ambulance. Because of the traffic the ambulance can not drive fast. When the ambulance comes, they do some first aid. /6 1. Translate. English German short kurz speed Geschwindigkeit protect schützen, beschützen 18th of November 2011 Vocabulary exam Unit 2 use brauchen, gebrauchen call aufrufen, rufen sweet süss